Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Red Doodle1995

Red Doodle1995, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

A doodle on the back of some old flyer. I thought that maybe it said something but it's pure freestyle. Glad that I still have it....

Lucy S. Diamond

Lucy S. Diamond, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

Skittles vs rainbow brite vs spree

Thursday, January 7, 2010


doodleberrys, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.
Off the cuff pattern exploration. Pure doodling is like meditation where your trying really hard not to think to much about any one thing. There is a period where everything flows and it just happens and then once you lose focus and it becomes a chore. The problem for me was coming back to a half empty page. I really could not recapture the initial feeling I had when I started this page last night, all the doodles from today where a lot different in structure and inspired by my long fascination with ancient signs and symbols. I've also noticed in recent years that the closer I get to finishing a sketchbook the sloppier the the final pages are
in comparison to the beginning of the sketchbook. I really wanted to start a new book for the new year but thought it would be a waste to leave 10-15 pages blank in a sketch book. 2 pages, left time to try and fill them with something good.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Random Peepz

Random Peepz, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

Oh pencil where have thou been? What a crew, a bunch of freaks with a lady. I don't know who these dudes are they just materialize on the paper when I'm not looking.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

No clue

No clue, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

Yeah I have no clue what's going on here..dot dot dot dot dotdot....

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010

hello 2010, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

My first doodle of 2010. There will be quite a bit if I can help it. I went through quite a lot of sketch books last year and posted hardly any of the contents. I'm trying really hard not to censor/edit myself so much.
Most of the drawings just sort of happen on their own so I'm not always happy enough with the end result to post. I'm also going to try and post more of a variety of works as opposed to just the creepy line drawings and such.Happy New..... Time to draw some more and thanks for taking a look.