Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The End

painted lady, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

The last page of my most recent sketchbook/notebook. It is always a nice feeling to finish a sketchbook from cover to cover. I'm going to try and post a few more pages from this book even though my original plan was to try and post everyday. Life of late has kept me occupied with more pressing matters, while I have been able to sit down and draw a little my time online time has dwindled down to checking email and paying bills. Drawing is such a essential activity that I feel anxious if more than a couple of days go by without putting pencil/pen to paper. At this very moment I'm trying to decide on which sketchbook to start. I have amassed a little stash of various blank books, sketch books and have a tendency to buy more even when I don't need them. Choosing a new book to start has become much like picking out clothes to wear in the morning. I sometimes cannot make up my mind and just default to a normal sketchbook. I've been using different types of books to see if affects the way I approach my drawings(every drawing doesn't have to be a masterpiece). Some of the coolest things I've drawn have been on random bits of paper and stuff. I'm trying to capture that indifference to the random bit of paper in a sketchbook. Well I think I'll just go with a nice large book this time and give the little books a time out.

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