Friday, May 21, 2010

Molskine double page

molskine double page, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

More molskine madness. This time a double page spread. Some times
it is really hard to stop I just want to keep adding more and more until it is totally saturated with ink. I'm still not posting as much as I would like but I'm working on it. I also started to play with illustrator again and remembered how much time it can eat up. I was having fun but it just isn't the same as pen and paper. You can always go back and change stuff or start from scratch. Vector art can seem to be in perpetual flux because you know that you could always change the art or reuse it later. Well I'm trying to train myself to draw in a similar manner with illustrator that I use in my sketchbooks and I'm still stuck in production artist mode sometimes. I find it hard to break old habits stemming from being a day late and a dollar short. Till then I'll find that balance between spontaneity and predictability that comes from trying to keep the vector authentic to its analog counterpart. time to sleep.....

1 comment:

  1. I like doing drawings better in pen and ink. I've never used illustrator, but there's something about pen and ink that no one can take away from you :) you're so creative.
