Sunday, September 19, 2010

Napkin Doodle

Napkin Doodle, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

So it has been a loonnnnng time since i posted anything. Well I finally went back to work full time and it has cut into my drawing time along with my other creative activities. This little scrap is for the Napkin doodle showcase over at I'm still adjusting to my new schedule and hope to be posting art on a regular basis again. I still doodle just about everyday in my mini sketch book but feel that most of the doodles are not worth uploading because a lot of them are very rushed or unfinished as in my lunch break was over. I wasn't angry when I drew this but I like to draw a skull now and again.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Molskine double page

molskine double page, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

More molskine madness. This time a double page spread. Some times
it is really hard to stop I just want to keep adding more and more until it is totally saturated with ink. I'm still not posting as much as I would like but I'm working on it. I also started to play with illustrator again and remembered how much time it can eat up. I was having fun but it just isn't the same as pen and paper. You can always go back and change stuff or start from scratch. Vector art can seem to be in perpetual flux because you know that you could always change the art or reuse it later. Well I'm trying to train myself to draw in a similar manner with illustrator that I use in my sketchbooks and I'm still stuck in production artist mode sometimes. I find it hard to break old habits stemming from being a day late and a dollar short. Till then I'll find that balance between spontaneity and predictability that comes from trying to keep the vector authentic to its analog counterpart. time to sleep.....

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Enter small moleskine

moleskine, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

I'm really having fun with the small moleskine. I originally picked up the small one to use for notes and whatever silly thoughts that I had in the course of a day. Unfortunately I have a problem working in more than one sketchbook at a time, so this has become my latest volume of doodles and existential nonsense. I haven't quite figured out how to scan the smaller pages so that don't look like macro photo of mold spores and fungus etc... without lowering the resolution to dial up quality or less imagery. Any who enjoy and apologize if some of the images look like photocopied faxed magic eye pictures. enjoy *_*


moleskine, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Vector doodle

Vector doodle, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

Giving the pen a rest and playing around in illustrator. I love creating weird patterns.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The End

painted lady, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

The last page of my most recent sketchbook/notebook. It is always a nice feeling to finish a sketchbook from cover to cover. I'm going to try and post a few more pages from this book even though my original plan was to try and post everyday. Life of late has kept me occupied with more pressing matters, while I have been able to sit down and draw a little my time online time has dwindled down to checking email and paying bills. Drawing is such a essential activity that I feel anxious if more than a couple of days go by without putting pencil/pen to paper. At this very moment I'm trying to decide on which sketchbook to start. I have amassed a little stash of various blank books, sketch books and have a tendency to buy more even when I don't need them. Choosing a new book to start has become much like picking out clothes to wear in the morning. I sometimes cannot make up my mind and just default to a normal sketchbook. I've been using different types of books to see if affects the way I approach my drawings(every drawing doesn't have to be a masterpiece). Some of the coolest things I've drawn have been on random bits of paper and stuff. I'm trying to capture that indifference to the random bit of paper in a sketchbook. Well I think I'll just go with a nice large book this time and give the little books a time out.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010 entry/ AKB initials

 So let me start off by saying that I am not a tattoo artist, I stumbled upon  Create my Tattoo recently and after lurking for a while I decided that I would submit a design or two if the subject matter appealed to me. The site is like Threadless  except with tattoos and only the person who commissioned the tattoo picks the winning design. The winner gets paid the prize which is prepaid by the person requesting the tattoo and the website takes a percentage and everybody is happy. So after perusing the rather short list of design requests I thought that I would take a crack at doing the AKB initials. I took a look at the other entries  so that I wouldn't waste time repeating a rejected idea and also reading the comments by the person requesting the tattoo.The tatto-ee requested a girly,swirly,wavy script for her wrist with emphasis on swirly. I love doodling and hand drawn lettering so this was a lot of fun. After filling up a few scrap pages full of ideas I picked the above sketch and inked it up,scanned it and uploaded it to the site. I resisted the urge to place the scan into Adobe Illustrator and redraw it, many of the other entries were just script fonts that had been modified slightly if at all. I think that a tattoo should not look like clipart or have lettering that is the default system fonts from windows etc, I know that flash could be considered "stock art" but I think most people want something original. I didn't want the the lettering to look like a temporary tattoo. Well time to wait and see what happens.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Spooky face 1994

Spooky face 1994, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

1994 spray paint on found wood. I did quite a few of these but this the only one the made it through many moves and relationships. This hasn't been seen by to many people because I've been told that it "gives me the creeps" numerous times. I think this was around the time when I started painting/drawing on something other than walls and paper. I always thought it was cool that when you spray painted you weren't touching what you were painting.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Red Doodle1995

Red Doodle1995, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

A doodle on the back of some old flyer. I thought that maybe it said something but it's pure freestyle. Glad that I still have it....

Lucy S. Diamond

Lucy S. Diamond, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

Skittles vs rainbow brite vs spree

Thursday, January 7, 2010


doodleberrys, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.
Off the cuff pattern exploration. Pure doodling is like meditation where your trying really hard not to think to much about any one thing. There is a period where everything flows and it just happens and then once you lose focus and it becomes a chore. The problem for me was coming back to a half empty page. I really could not recapture the initial feeling I had when I started this page last night, all the doodles from today where a lot different in structure and inspired by my long fascination with ancient signs and symbols. I've also noticed in recent years that the closer I get to finishing a sketchbook the sloppier the the final pages are
in comparison to the beginning of the sketchbook. I really wanted to start a new book for the new year but thought it would be a waste to leave 10-15 pages blank in a sketch book. 2 pages, left time to try and fill them with something good.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Random Peepz

Random Peepz, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

Oh pencil where have thou been? What a crew, a bunch of freaks with a lady. I don't know who these dudes are they just materialize on the paper when I'm not looking.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

No clue

No clue, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

Yeah I have no clue what's going on dot dot dot dotdot....

Friday, January 1, 2010

Hello 2010

hello 2010, originally uploaded by IAMWASHONE.

My first doodle of 2010. There will be quite a bit if I can help it. I went through quite a lot of sketch books last year and posted hardly any of the contents. I'm trying really hard not to censor/edit myself so much.
Most of the drawings just sort of happen on their own so I'm not always happy enough with the end result to post. I'm also going to try and post more of a variety of works as opposed to just the creepy line drawings and such.Happy New..... Time to draw some more and thanks for taking a look.